MY ART IN NEW YORK - 1530 Broadway, Times Square 2 nd of december / by Corona Gsteu

/December 2nd, 2023

I'm very excited to be part of the "Expometro in New York, at TIMES SQUARE,
The Billboard Art Show.

1000 artists from all over the world united!
When is the show?  The Show is on the 2nd of december 2023, Chrismas Season,
Where is the show?  1530 Broadway, New York City. 

It makes art accessible to everyone in outdoor public spaces. One of the most iconic and busiest places in the world will turn into a giant Art Gallery offering an incredible immersive artistic experience.

I'm very happy that my artwork will be shown on billboards together with many other artworks from artists from all over the world:-).

Art is important especially today and a multi-dimensional door opener to broaden our perspectives, to shock, to provoke, to activate, to touch our heart and soul, to get inspiration, to uplift our energies, to spread joy, to express anger, fear, hope, love, what can't be expressed by words!

This brand new, unmissable Times Square sensation is powered by the most innovative LED technology and features an 8mm screen that produces the highest resolution, brightness and color at the heart of the Times Square bowtie.

My works are on billboard 5, scroll left, 1 st row top, pic 6,7,8!

I send to all of you 10 CORONAS, the new currency = 10 minutes for yourselve, and the questions what is importannt to you in life? what do you really need? from an "I" to an "us" .

for all climate pioneers like myselfe - see you in the www:-)
I hope you enjoy looking at the works from artists from all over the world(:-)

Art/Social/Urban Renewal

So proud to be part of the Expo in N.Y.C. on 1530 Broadway - look at the LED billboard, what an energetic atmosphere at Times Square, foto©Expometro